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How to Draw a Girl Facing Backwards TUTORIAL

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Cartoon a daughter'south face tin can be tricky, even for experienced artists. Fortunately, whether you want to draw a realistic girl'due south face up or a cartoon confront, you can use reference lines and a stride-past-step approach to help you succeed. One time you can successfully draw a girl's face with guidelines, it will be easier to describe from photos and live models.

  1. 1

    Draw an oval and divide it into 3 sections to make the caput. Brand the oval slightly rounder than you lot usually would since girls tend to have rounder faces than boys. To dissever the oval into three sections, start by drawing a horizontal line through the eye. Then, describe a second horizontal line through the halfway betoken between the first line yous drew and the bottom of the oval.[1]

    • Dividing the face up into sections will make it easier to get the proportions of the face up right subsequently.
  2. 2

    Draw the eyes on the top horizontal line. Girls have all kinds of eye shapes, but generally, they're drawn with larger and rounder eyes than boys are. Center the eyes on the horizontal line and then the line runs through the middle of each heart. As well, brand the distance betwixt the inner corner of each eye the same length equally 1 middle. If y'all were to describe a 3rd eye between the 2 eyes, it should fit perfectly.[2]

  3. 3

    Add the pupils and eyelashes to the eyes. Girls tend to take longer, thicker eyelashes than boys. To create the appearance of long, thick eyelashes, shade in and thicken the upper and lower lash lines, making them thicker at the outer corners. When you're finished with the eyelashes, depict a large circumvolve in each eye that's partially eclipsed by the upper lash line and that has an equal corporeality of white space on each side of information technology. Then, draw a smaller circle in each large circle and shade them in to make the pupils. Go out a tiny dot of white space in each student to make it wait like in that location's calorie-free reflecting off of them.[3]

  4. 4

    Draw an biconvex eyebrow above each middle. In general, girls' eyebrows are thinner and more arched than boys' eyebrows, merely yous can play effectually with the shape and thickness. To describe the eyebrows, get-go with your pencil slightly above the outer corner of one eye and draw a downward curving line that swoops downwards and starts to curve dorsum upward as you get closer to the inner corner of the eye. Then, echo over the other middle.[4]

    • To make the eyebrows thicker, lightly go over the lines you drew a few times and shade effectually the arches.
  5. 5

    Draw the tip of the olfactory organ along the bottom horizontal line. Like boys, girls have a variety of nose shapes, only their noses are normally fatigued with fewer, softer lines to prevent them from looking as well masculine. To draw the tip of the nose, start a little flake above the lesser horizontal line with the tip of your pencil lined upwardly with the inner corner of the eye above it. Then, draw a short, curved line downwards toward the horizontal line that doesn't quite achieve it, followed past an upward horizontal bend that swoops down and meets the horizontal line. Repeat the same steps on the other side of the confront, simply mirrored, to finish the tip of the olfactory organ.[five]

    • Avoid drawing the bridge of the olfactory organ since it can make the nose look as well masculine. Yous'll be able to define the bridge after with shading instead of harsh lines.
  6. vi

    Use shading to softly define the bridge and tip of the olfactory organ. Start with your pencil at the inner terminate of the eyebrow on one side of the face. So, lightly shade down along the bridge of the nose, stopping when y'all reach the bottom of the center. Side by side, bring your pencil down to the nostril on the aforementioned side and lightly draw a vertical curved line up toward the span of the nose. Then, shade in the infinite between that line and the outer border of the nostril to define the tip of the nose.[6]

    • But do this on 1 side of the face. If you endeavour to shade both sides of the nose, it may look too defined and masculine.
  7. seven

    Describe the lips halfway between the tip of the nose and the chin. For a conventional daughter's face, yous'll want to brand the lips circular and full. Starting with your pencil at the halfway point between the nose and mentum, draw a short, horizontal, upward curve that'south centered betwixt the two sides of the face, which will be the dip at the lesser of the upper lip. And so, draw a slightly longer upward curve extending off each end of the first bend. Adjacent, repeat the aforementioned steps slightly above the lines you just drew, and connect the ends of these outer curves with the ends of the commencement outer curves you drew to finish the upper lip. Finally, draw a long, upward curve from one corner of the lips to the other to make the lower lip.[7]

    • The outer corners of the lips should extend past the nostrils above them. Otherwise, the lips may look too small.
  8. 8

    Draw an ear on each side of the head. To draw the ears, starting time at 1 side of the head then your pencil is lined up with the outer edge of the eyebrow. And then, draw a short, horizontal, up curve extending off the side of the head to make the summit of the ear. Adjacent, describe a vertical line curving outward that runs from the stop of the top of the ear down to the side of the face right above where the tip of the nose falls. Instead of bringing the terminate of the curve all the way to the side of the face, leave a small gap and fill up it in with a small, upward curve to make the bottom of the ear. Repeat on the other side of the head.[eight]

  9. 9

    Describe the hair with a hairline that starts below the peak of the oval. This will give the confront a soft, feminine hairline. If y'all describe the hairline correct at the top of the oval, the brow may look harsh and too big. Afterwards y'all draw the hairline, draw the outline of the hair and so it's larger and wider than the oval itself, which will make the hair look fuller. So, go in with your pencil and describe long lines down the length of the pilus so it looks like it has individual strands.[ix]

    • You tin can draw the hair tucked backside the ears, or you lot tin can draw it over the ears and erase any part of the ears that would be covered by pilus.
  1. 1

    Draw an oval that's narrower at the bottom and separate it into 4 sections. Avert making any harsh, straight lines since cartoon girls usually take rounder faces. To divide the oval into 4 sections, start by cartoon a vertical line downwards the center of it. And so, draw a vertical line that curves upward slightly and runs through the oval slightly below the halfway signal on the vertical line.[x]

    • The sections at the peak of the oval should be bigger than the sections at the bottom.
  2. ii

    Draw a modest nose almost the heart of the oval. Cartoon girls are typically drawn with simple, rounded noses. Don't brand the nose rigid or defined or it could look too masculine. To draw the nose, start with your pencil at the point where the vertical and horizontal lines intersect. Then, describe a line down abroad from that betoken, having it slightly curve away from the vertical line. Finally, draw a short line that curves dorsum in toward the vertical line.[11]

  3. iii

    Draw large, exaggerated eyes on top of the horizontal line. Make the optics large and exaggerated so they look more cartoonish and feminine. Draw 1 eye on each side of the vertical line so the outer corners of the optics are nearly touching the edges of the face. The inner corners of the optics should fall along the same horizontal path as the elevation point on the nose, and they should both be the aforementioned distance from the vertical line.[12]

    • Give the optics an almond shape that's flatter on the bottom and rounder on peak.
  4. 4

    Add together dark eyelashes to the tops and bottoms of the eyes. Cartoon girls are often fatigued with nighttime, exaggerated eyelashes, then go over the upper and lower lash lines with your pencil to darken them. And then, between the tops of the eyes and the outer corners, draw sparse, narrow triangles extending off the eyes. Shade them in so they look like eyelashes, and make them curve up slightly at the pointed ends so they expect more feminine. When you're finished, repeat on the bottoms of the eyes, near the outer corners.[thirteen]

  5. 5

    Draw big pupils inside of the eyes. To describe the pupils, depict a big circle in each heart so the tops of the circles are slightly eclipsed by the tops of the eyes. Then, in the center of each circumvolve, depict a modest circle and shade it in. Finally, shade in the large circles so they're slightly lighter than the pupils, leaving some white space in the upper right corner of each circle so it looks like light is reflecting off of them.[xiv]

  6. six

    Draw the lips slightly below the bottom of the nose. Start with your pencil on the vertical line running downwards the middle of the face. And so, draw a horizontal line with a slight superlative in the center extending off of the vertical line. Next, repeat on the other side of the vertical line and connect the ends of these 2 lines with a horizontal line that'due south slightly curving upward to finish the upper lip. To brand the lesser lip, first at an outer corner of the top lip and describe a curved line in toward the vertical line and then they intersect about halfway between the top lip and the chin. So, echo on the other side to cease the bottom lip.[15]

    • When you lot're finished, you should accept a large, rounded lower lip, which will help the cartoon confront look more than feminine.
  7. vii

    Add sparse, biconvex eyebrows. Mostly, drawing girls are drawn with thin eyebrows that arch high above the eyes. To draw the eyebrows, start with your pencil slightly to a higher place the eyelash nearest the outer corner of one of the eyes. Then, describe an arched, downward curve over the top of the centre that ends along the same vertical path as the inner corner of the eye below it. When you lot're finished, repeat over the other eye.[16]

    • The eyebrows don't need to be the verbal aforementioned length, but try to make them the same shape so they look balanced.
  8. viii

    Add ears with earrings on the sides of the heads. To describe the ears, commencement with your pencil on 1 side of the face, lined upwardly with the outer corner of the centre. Then, draw a vertical oval along the side of the face that ends forth the same horizontal path as the bottom of the nose. Side by side, describe a small circle that overlaps the bottom of the oval to brand an earring. Repeat on the other side of the face to make the other ear.[17]

    • You can try drawing different shapes for the earrings, or you tin exit them out altogether.
  9. ix

    Draw the hair around the caput and add a hairline or bangs. Sketch an outline of the hair so information technology extends by the head, which will make the pilus expect fuller. Yous can besides add bangs that swoop downward over the forehead, or you tin draw a downward curved line that runs across the brow from one side of the head to the other to brand a hairline. If you draw a visible hairline, make sure it's lower than the elevation of the head. Otherwise, the brow will look likewise big.[eighteen]

    • If y'all're drawing long hair, you lot tin describe information technology tucked behind the ears and leave the ears every bit they are, or you can draw the pilus over the ears and erase any parts of them that are covered.

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  • Question

    How do yous describe a cute girl's face?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    To brand the girl in your drawing look cute, give her more child-like features. For example, you can give her big optics with long lashes, a round face with a small chin, and a slightly turned-up nose. Make her smiling slightly to give her a friendly expression.

  • Question

    How do you draw cute lips?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    To make the lips look nice and cute, avoid cartoon harsh lines. Sketch in a cupid'southward bow shape to suggest the tiptop lip, then a gentle curve for the bottom lip. Shade in a soft line between the 2 lips, with a slight downward dip in the middle. Gently shade in the upper lip, but leave the bottom lip lighter at the center to give information technology a total await.

  • Question

    How exercise you describe a daughter's face easily?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Keep the features uncomplicated and cartoony to make it easier. For example, sketch in an oval for the face, put her eyes virtually halfway between the mentum and forehead, and brand a small curve to advise the nose. Add together eyebrows and eyelashes to the eyes. Y'all can make a simple line for the oral fissure or add lips if you desire a little more detail. Next, sketch in some hair and erase any guidelines you fabricated to finish your drawing.

  • Question

    How tin can I draw loftier cheek bones?

    Community Answer

    Yous tin can draw a line around the small bulge in her cheeks. Then, smudge the line downwards with your finger or a paper towel. Erase what you don't want.

  • Question

    How do I make an angry/mad face up?



    Community Answer

    Try drawing pointed downwards eyebrows. This will requite your character an angered await. Also, try making the mouth into a frown, or draw the oral fissure open, every bit if the character is yelling.

  • Question

    How do I describe a realistic drawing of a girl?

    Community Answer

    My reply is to add shading. If you shade different parts of her face information technology will await more realistic. Shade things similar to eyelids, under the chin, ears, and her jaw line. Make sure that it blends into the colour of the paper. Practice helps.

  • Question

    What can I do if I cannot become the shape of the face up right?

    Community Answer

    Draw a normal circle on summit and an oval on the bottom - like a venn diagram with a circle and an oval.

  • Question

    How tin can I improve my drawing skills?

    Community Answer

    There are many ways to improve. Take a cartoon form to learn dissimilar techniques. You may as well find some brief lessons on YouTube. Keep practicing and you will get better somewhen.

  • Question

    How can I draw the daughter crying?

    Community Answer

    Make her eyebrows tilt to one side. Then, draw to water drops, each at a unlike part of the cheek. Adjacent, you describe a wriggly line on peak of the two tear drops.

  • Question

    How can I brand the perfect shaped eyes?

    Community Answer

    Make a perfect eye template on a piece of cardboard and cut it out. So, use it for both eyes.

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Commodity Summary X

To draw a girl's face, get-go by drawing an oval for the head and dividing information technology into iv equal sections with a horizontal and vertical line that intersect in the middle. So, draw 2 horizontal ovals well-nigh the superlative of each lesser section for the eyes. Next, mark a line halfway between the horizontal line and the bottom of the head, which will be the tip of the olfactory organ. Draw a line halfway betwixt that bespeak and the bottom of the caput for the bottom of the mouth. Use these reference lines to draw the lips and olfactory organ before adding the finishing details. To learn how to sketch and shade the irises, pupils, and eyebrows in your drawing, scroll down!

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How to Draw a Girl Facing Backwards TUTORIAL

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